Give Thanks

Give Thanks

Thanksgiving was just short of 2 weeks ago, I know I know, I’ve been a bit MIA lately. Sorry, the busy holiday season will sometimes do that…and so would a non-working keyboard for my iPad, eeek! BUT I hope you…

The Blue Lagoon Iceland

The Blue Lagoon Iceland

Are you tired of my posts about Iceland yet? Good, me either!! If this is your first read, do not forget to read my other Iceland posts here and here for more Iceland tips! As mentioned in my latest Iceland…

Thirty before Thirty

Thirty before Thirty

Twenty-nine. That feels so weird to say. As I reflect on my twenty-nine years, I am very grateful for everything I have been able to experience and everyone I have been able to experience life with thus far. I am…

Top 10 Chicago Restaurants

Top 10 Chicago Restaurants

If I haven’t disclosed this yet, I live in Chicago, Illinois. Okay, I USED to live downtown Chicago, IL but now I will fully admit I’m one of those people that say they live in Chicago when they really live…

Lipstick Love

Lipstick Love

If you are an active user of any social media, instagram especially, you are aware of how popular lips and lipstick have become. Maybe they’ve always been a “thing” but this twenty (something) year old feels like the popularity of…

Recent Reads

Recent Reads

Reading takes you to another level of fantasy. Every person can read a book and have a different interpretation of the story being told. Most books let you escape your reality and enter into a fantasy world. I personally believe…

Olaplex Review

Olaplex Review

I was at work this past week and when I was in my friend’s office she asked why my hair looked so good that day. Ha! Which means my hair must not look good every other day, but I’LL TAKE…

Self Care Sunday

Self Care Sunday

Let’s be real, my blog post is titled “Self Care Sunday”…but only because I’m writing this on a Sunday. I’m a firm believer of treating yourself every day. As some of you might know, I have a high acuity, fast…

Top 5 items in my work bag

Top 5 items in my work bag

Ever read the articles in magazines that are titled “what is in the Celebrity’s bag?” I frequently find myself reading those articles whenever they are available and I always have found what they carry in their bag so interesting! Have…