Top 5 items in my work bag

Top 5 items in my work bag

Ever read the articles in magazines that are titled “what is in the Celebrity’s bag?” I frequently find myself reading those articles whenever they are available and I always have found what they carry in their bag so interesting! Have you? If you said “yes,” then keep reading for the Top 5 items in my work bag!

I have been carrying my Kate Spade “bowling bag” tote pictured above for over ten years now (did not realize that until I was typing this post—has 10 years really gone by that fast already? I still remember when I was gifted this beauty after my High School graduation). While I just aged myself a bit, I wanted to do a fun post of what staple items have basically been in my tote for that time. Now, I carry this tote as a work bag so I consider these staples important for every day. Below are actual pictures of items I carry in my work bag. These of course are items other than the essentials (wallet, keys, iphone, headphones/air pods etc.). Below I’ve (affiliate) linked the items in my bag which means I could receive a small commission if you purchase the product through these links.

Item One: Lip gloss

I have always been a huge lip gloss fan and continue to still be. Any lip gloss, I’ve tried it. As of today (July 7th, 2019) my favorite lipgloss is the “Kopari lip glossy.” It is not a sticky feel but gives you the ultimate shine. I rotate my lip glosses a lot, and if you look in any of my bags, there’s a gloss in there. My work bag holds my Kopari lip gloss and I wear it daily for subtle gloss and moisture.

Item Two: Travel Brush

I have L-O-N-G hair. Anyone with long hair will know the importance of having a travel brush in their bag AT. ALL. TIMES. I regularly use the Wet Brush at home and the travel sized Wet Brush when needed at work or when I’m “out and about” (as you can tell by the bent bristles, whoops). You never know when that gust of air is going to come and ruin your mane! Trust me, this brush works with any tangles. Picture above is with the Kopari lip gloss for size reference.

Item Three: Concealer

Everyone knows a good concealer goes a long way. This my friends, is my holy grail. I simply do not trust another concealer and have been using this NARS concealer since I started wearing makeup. You can ALWAYS find this in my bag.

Item Four: Sunglasses

If I have learned anything in my 20 (something) years, it is your eyes and skin are extremely important as you age. Sunglasses assist with protecting those valuables and a good pair of sunglasses is something I never leave the house with. Currently, my favorite pair of sunnies are the Ralph Lauren polarized 5203 model. I bought these before they were on the shelf at stores about three years ago and have been my staple since!

Item Five: Umbrella

Remember when I said your skin and eyes are extremely important? An umbrella also helps with caring for those two things! You don’t want to be stranded in a rain storm or with an extreme amount of sun shinning on you without shade. This umbrella is easy to open with the button on the handle and was an item in my Spring 2018 “Fab Fit Fun box.”

Well, there it is, folks. I hope you enjoyed seeing what is in my work bag as much as I enjoyed writing it. What is in your work bag? Do you have other staples you cannot leave the house without? Let me know below!! I’d love to hear!

—Don’t forget to follow me on instagram! or follow me at @thedailyallis


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