Self Care Sunday

Self Care Sunday

Let’s be real, my blog post is titled “Self Care Sunday”…but only because I’m writing this on a Sunday. I’m a firm believer of treating yourself every day. As some of you might know, I have a high acuity, fast paced and demanding career and I truly believe what gets me through the tough days (even the good days) is self care. Now, I’m not talking about getting a professional hour and a half massage every day…although that would be amazing and if you are reading this and currently receive a massage every day then kudos to you—please tell me your ways! Below are a few examples of ways I include self care in my life. 

Getting my nails done

If you read my post from last Sunday (July 28, 2019), you already know how important getting my nails done to me is. To me, having manicured hands enhances my “professional look” at work, makes me feel “put together” and keeps my nail beds and cuticles clean and kept. This includes pedicures. I am not the fond of feet, mine in particular, and if I can get a pedicure every month to make my feet appear “better” then by all means…I’ll pay ALL the money. Also, pro tip: if you go to the salon with a little over an hour left until they close…the nail tech typically takes their sweeeeet time doing your nails (including your brief mani/pedi massages they throw in) because they know you will be their last client (otherwise, sometimes they try to rush through to get to the next client…which I def understand, I’d do the same thing too!). Anyway, I’d say getting my nails done is one of my favorite self care activities. You can do this self care alone or with your significant other/family/friends/co workers. **Can someone tell M it’s okay for men to get pedicures, I’m dying to include him in this fun self care activity!**

Enjoy nature

Nothing is better than taking in the beauty of this world. Isn’t life beautiful? Take a look around you right now. Take it allllllll in. Now, close your eyes and take five deep breathes —-in and out—-in and out—-etc. Depending on where you’re at reading this right now…there is most likely a sun, moon, stars, fresh air and/or possibly a scenery (mountains, lake/ocean/creek/river, forest, waterfall,  skyscrapers, birds, squirrels, icebergs lol, flowers, people around you etc.). Currently, I’m outside my parents backyard, poolside enjoying the birds, family, mom’s beautiful garden and the sound of cicadas. Life is good. This self care is free and easy. During a hard days work, I’ve honestly taken 5-10 minutes to step outside and just breathe before going back inside and tackling the rest of my day. This easy self care strategy helps center me, let’s me regroup my thoughts and reminds me how beautiful life truly is. Enjoying nature can be enjoyed from any time of day and anywhere. The little things.  Pictures from my parents beautiful backyard are below:

 self care; relax; pamper; lifestyle blogger; blogger; take care of yourself; self care; treat ourself; relaxing day; mindfulness; mindful; meditate
 self care; relax; pamper; lifestyle blogger; blogger; take care of yourself; self care; treat ourself; relaxing day; mindfulness; mindful; meditate


I used to read ALL.THE.TIME then grad school came and then a real world job. I lost interest in reading/didn’t have time for a solid five years or so. Recently, I’ve made reading part of my night time routine and have forgot how much I truly love exiting my life and entering the life of fantasy (does that sound weird? Haha oh well.). Anyway, reading helps me debrief from my day and I’ve recently been discussing books with my coworker I share an office with, which makes it more fun! You can always join a book club too, or an online forum for the same readers. 


This might sound odd. But if you know me, you know my mind does not work unless my house, car, desk and overall life is clutter free. I like to be clean and I like my life to be clean. Cleaning and organizing my house, car, desk you name it… I enjoy doing it! It makes me feel good, makes me feel “put together” (there’s that word again…ha!) and in return, my mind is clutter free. Knowing my workspace, living environment and life are clutter free makes me able to enjoy the little things in life and focus on the extra curricular activities I find fun and spending quality time with M, my family, friends or even myself. 

Other self care strategies/ideas are:

  1. Yoga
  2. Exercising (any kind)
  3. Taking a long bath
  4. Essential Oils
  5. Napping
  6. Go shopping….or online shop/put stuff in your online carts that you never buy but enjoy ha! Anyone else do that like me?
  7. Bake!…and then invite me over to eat whatever you made 🙂
  8. Go unplugged
  9. Massage, Massage, Massage
  10. Visit a cat cafe/dog shelter to interact/hug the animals
  11. Talk to a long lost friend
  12. Food prep
  13. Drink bottomless…….cups o’ tea, coffee, sparkling water, fresh squeezed juice —whatever healthy and body nourishing drink you prefer! 
  14. Say “no” 
  15. Craft
  16. Start a blog 😉
  17. Do a puzzle
  18. Go to movie..alone or with friends/family
  19. Listen to a podcast
  20. Start a garden
  21. Do a face/hair mask
  22. Meditate
  23. Eat well
  24. Journal
  25. Speak to a psychiatrist/social worker/psychologist
  26. Light a candle
  27. Start something new (instrument, knit, cook etc.).
  28. Try a new restaurant
  29. Check out (no this is not a paid advertisement)
  30. Check out the new app MINDBODY for good ideas (no this not a paid advertisement).

What is the best way you self care? Let me know in the comments below! Always looking for new things! 

—As always, please do not duplicate my pictures. The photos on my blog are all my own.

—Don’t forget to follow me on instagram! @thedailyallis


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