Once I logged onto my website, I noticed I didn’t post AT ALL in January, whoops. Although I am absolutely not proud of that because I was on such a great streak, I’m not going to beat myself up over it. January is always a hard month for me because in Chicago it is normally the coldest, darkest and dreariest month of them all. Not making excuses, just saying that every year everyone is talking about their New Year resolutions and I’m typically the one that makes resolutions but usually starts in February. Oh well, ya know?! I wanted to log in today to give a life update.
It was a busy busy January for M and I. M is currently interviewing for fellowships for his career and LET.ME.TELL.YOU. As much as I am excited for our future and so so so proud of M for his determination, drive and dedication to himself, his career, me and our future….this interview process is pretty stressful. Little did I know. So far he has been to 8 interviews out of the total 16 or so that we chose. While I would drop everything and travel to all of these interviews with him, I stay at home with our 10 y/o pups while he’s gone and we all cheer him on from home. You all know how organized I am so yes, I have a spreadsheet of all the interview dates, times, locations along with our feedback after the interview so we can look back when it is time to rank our choices. We still have 8 or so interviews to go, but I cannot wait to give you all an update when we “match” in April! YAY!
Speaking of our 10 y/o pups, on January 21, 2020 our two english mastiffs celebrated their birthday. 10 years old for pups is obviously considered “senior” but for dogs as big as ours (125-160lbs) 10 years is an accomplishment and I couldn’t be prouder. They are my big, slobbery babies.
The start of Chicago Restaurant Week began on Jan 24, 2020 and my gal pals and I ate at Aba Restaurant in the West Loop/Fulton Market area of Chicago. The Aba restaurant is a Mediterranean style, small plate, rooftop Lettuce Entertain You restaurant. My overall review of this restaurant is, Amazing. The view inside is the picture above and everything we ate was SO GOOD. I highly recommend the feta cheese appetizer, we have never had anything like it. We ordered off the restaurant week menu which included each person receiving a glass of wine, two appetizers, one meal and a dessert. All of that food for $50/person…not bad! I would say 10/10 review, the beautifully decorated atmosphere added to that review. If you are here in the summer, I would highly recommend visiting their rooftop for a nice cocktail or appetizer if you don’t want to commit to dinner.
Wanted to give a quick life update because I haven’t been on here in a little bit and since it is February 1, 2020, one of my goals is to get back on my game with posting. So here’s me typing it for all of you to hold me accountable
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